DIARY #001 – Klea


This will be the first part of a series of post’s called diary, where I will post some extra images from various shoots and maybe add some behind the scenes photos while also talking a bit about the concept of the shoot.

First one is about this shoot I did a couple of weeks ago with Beautiful Klea Souli !
The basic idea was to keep it simple, and do something like a model test shoot.

We chose simple but elegant clothing, witch was not necessarily very feminine but I think this helped make kleas natural beauty stand out even more while create a more impressive final result. Makeup was also kept to a minimum.

Technically the setup was again really simple, a black backdrop in my living room (looks more like a studio by now). Using natural light from my open balcony doors. For some shots we also used the south side balcony of my apartment where got to play a bit with direct sunlight, witch I think created a couple of impressive images.

Finally, some images ware shot on film, Tri-X 400 pushed to 800 to be exact. Its just the second time I used black and white film. Developed it myself with ilfosol3 and scanned it with a friends V600. I have to say I really like the results and surely will keep shooting film from time to time! 🙂


Kavala Air Sea Show 2017- Planes, Helicopters & Portraits
